We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Fire in your eyes

There are those who exist to be a piece of a puzzle and those who resist to fit in this frame

A slight difference between those two types of people is that one of them are trained soldiers and the other are natural born fighters.
Soldiers are a part of organized army. They ensure safety and keep everything in order just like they were told. They are punctual and obey and actually are more like robots than human because that is what big corporations and governments expect. Their lifes are planned without bigger changes as they follow most popular social models of behavior. When they're gone they leave nothing besides bank account number, some private goods and a few memories defined in one sentence: ...was a good man.

Fighters can be a good men or women too and they usually are, but they simply can't submit to any schematic requirements. Even they had to go the same way as soldiers, from the same schools to the same companies, they were always considered outlaws by the society. The only reason for that was their passion for freedom which pushed them to fight with everyone and everything that is limited on this world. When they pass away they leave something to think about for the next generations.

Average people don't understand fighters but they admire soldiers. There is nothing strange about it because they want to feel safe and comfortable whole life even for a price of truth and realness of their own self. There is another difference... soldiers fight for somebody while fighters fight for themselves. They fight for their dreams!

You'll know that you met a fighter when you see one, it is visible in his eyes... or maybe, one day somebody else will tell you that there is a fire in your eyes too.


No passion from fashion

We all unconsciously follow new trends or new ideas and that is normal, we call it fashion, but passion is something that cannot be followed. It has to be admired

You will only find it in heart not in mind. It is something constant and stable so every day this pure desire to do things remains the same. True passion will last longer than any global trend or social idea. People sacrifice their lifes to be able to do what they truly love.

Never copied, never duplicated, passion is a true expression of individual character of every human.

Some say that not all people have it and they might be right, but we believe it is a part of every conscious existence even if it's hidden. The only thing to do is to find it. Which is no that easy, sometimes it takes years or even a lifetime.

Fashion can be one's passion of course but to create, means to combine everything you know in your own unique way to build something different, something completely new. It has nothing to do with following trends or habits. Only those who dare to cross the line because of true passion and faith in their own ideas are pioneers and creators, everybody else are just on repeat mode. 

Don't worry what people say, stick to your true passion. It is in your heart, not in their minds...


Some progress, some progless

In every moment of life there is a space for being better but also for being worse. It is a matter of choice if we improve ourselves or become inferior. But who can really decide what is good and what is bad if we are all so much different as people and so much similar as mammals. 

Lets make it simple, everything we do beyond our lazy comfort zone is progress. Everything we don't do because of bunch of excuses is progless and it makes us feel bad. 

We all have egos as it's impossible to completely get rid of it. Your ego hurts when you stop, because it always wants more. The best way to satisfy it for a while is to learn, gain knowledge and master new skills. Constant progress in life is nothing bad and it feeds your ego regularly. Self development makes you feel proud of yourself. It gives you confidence that you can do anything you dreamed of.

But... don't try to think about future goals all the time, focus on little steps which you make now, as they will guide you to your destination. Contemplate present moments and never give up. This will keep you happy today and it will amaze you tommorow.

There are no limits, you will progress in most difficult areas every time you spend some time on it. There is no way that you can't do something if you care, because progress is nothing more than passion and consequence. When you care it always happens!


Be true to yourself and they will believe in you.

Only a mirror can tell you the truth. That face has to be honest and worth trust because if it's not it means you never really existed. 

How can you be a true leader or role model when you just pretend to be one. It is better to stay real and not to become famous than being only a fake reflection of someone else on the red carpet. 

Not everyone would agree. Some most famous celebrities are just a false picture of themselves created by specialists to focus mass attention. They often forget that life is not a movie. There are no happy endings and lucky fortunes. We don't have to be nice to someone who disrespects us just like we don't have to be bad without a reason, cause it's fake. 

We don't have to pretend anything in fact.

Stop playing a role in somebody's world, otherwise you won't ever be free. Don't change yourself to fit, make them fit to you. Once you get it, life will no more be a struggle as real freedom is a pure happiness.

Don't try to explain yourself to nobody, the right people will find you just like success when you do your job with full passion and attention.

Sometimes it feels like, I want to believe but there is so much fake around that only person I can trust is me... and that's fine. Don't judge nobody, focus on the man in the mirror and be the best version of your true self. 

Become great for real first, then stick to it for good.


Alone with the struggle, together with happiness

Every problem in our life has just one source, our mind. It is created by one, feed by one and has to be solved by the same one... yourself. 

Life is not only struggle, but also joy and happiness, although people seem to create problems for purpose. They love to be down and unhappy so every new problem is just something worth live for. Whole process is initiated by mind and regulated by mind so mind really takes over the control of human life. In fact mind is just a tool which we should be able to turn on and off in the right moments to be more conscious of our own existence. It is not easy at all but it is certain that we have to deal with it alone.

Joy and happiness is different, we want to share it with others. When you have someone important in life who cares about you, struggle becomes much easier when happiness appears. 

In a group of people with the same mindset problems seems to fly away somehow. Feeling of strong connection with other person is a huge motivation and inspiration for life. What is one problem of yours when hundreds of minds are here for the same positive reason which is accidently also your goal.

When you struggle through your life all alone to find happiness, always remember that there are milions of us on earth doing exactly the same thing every day...


Butterfly effects

Every action has it's effect even when it is just a small step somewhere between millions of running feet. This small step becomes a symbol, a symbol of life. 


Human nature is to have influence on something, but we usually get this feeling that whatever we do it is nothing to be remembered. Ok, maybe we won't get attention of millions, maybe we won't rule America but our small existence is more important for few than Obama's life for the world. We always can choose whether to have positive or negative impact on our surrounding. It really depends on us what is left behind.

Sometimes one wise thought passed to just one friend, can travel all over the world because he wrote it on his Facebook board and some of his friends liked it and did the same. You won't ever know that these are your words in a tv commercial years after you said it.

It doesn't really matter if this ever takes place but it is the most important to know that your words and actions have hidden power inside. 

You can inspire people or you can make them down, it is a matter of intentions...


Throw those bad away and stick to the good ones. You can jump in the wrong direction to get lost easily or take a small step in the right one and make somebody smile.


It's never too late to become great

Years are passing by, when we getting older and older. For some people life is a race. For some it's a struggle. We see life as an adventure where everything is possible and where anyone can become awesome. You just have to pick a discipline and master it

Save some time for it every day and don't expect to be like somebody else. Don't expect anything and one day you'll become great. That greatness will be your standard and you will hardly remember the beginnings as a rookie.

It doesn't matter how old you are it is never too late to start. 

Plan your goals but live a moment and don't wait for nothing. Let yourself enjoy what is here and what is now, because the truth is: it is all you ever had. Your life is not to be sacrificed to something but to master something you love for constant satisfaction and happiness. 

Don't loose it because "you have to" do this or that. Only thing you have to is to remember that you can choose your way in life

It's never too late to do it, as there is always start at the beginning...


There's no judgement nor assess if its failure or success

When you realize that you don't have to prove anything to anyone besides yourself you become so much more conscious of the beauty of here and now

There are no worries, doubts or fears. Since that moment everything you do is always the right thing. Nobody cares weather you succeed or die the next day. Only you can tell what is good for you. Non of those opinions matter when you climb the highest tree in the hood to feel pure freedom all your heart at the end. 

This is the most distinct sign of success... 

As a child you couldn't appreciate it because you didn't know what adult life is but now again the same feeling is only possible without people's judgements and opinions.

There is no such thing as success. Trillion dollars is not enough if your life motto is always to get moreThere is nothing like failure when you don't respect social norms and you simply don't care about what others say 

It is only you to define what is a happy life for you. 

Dream big but when you reach it finally take a deep breath and appreciate every minute of presence. Otherwise you'll never succeed inside yourself even the world will be applauding...


Why fit in when you're born to stand out

They all follow somebody, they all look for role models and they all afraid to be themselves deep inside. They say, without dreams there are no extra problems to solve, I have enough of my own. Truth, it’s like no need to fly without wings or no risk of falling when you’re not rising. 

But who wants to walk the ground again when only sky is the limit?

Who said you have to fit here like everybody else? Did education system created this schema in your head or maybe parents never told you there is something more than propriety and earning money.
It is all called reality, but the real reality is what you create around you not what you were told to become. There is always a risk you fail because being average is so comfortable, just like copying ideas of others is so easy. 

You have to make a choice, to follow your heart or to follow them.

Look on your Instagram or Facebook account, you maybe think you are so unique and special but isn’t it just a fake picture of yourself created by all the influences from profiles you are watching every day. If not… you are born to stand out, don’t live your life in a crowd, live it as you always wanted with love, passion and excitement!

We are here to survive but only few of us are Bear Grillz the rest are just holding the camera...


No yesterday worries for tomorrow's problems

There are bad days and good days but I walk around in the same shoes...

From euphoric state of mind to deep depression that's how life is like. Sometimes days are beautiful without a reason and you want to jump around with wide smile on your face. On those days you love people, you love life and you feel that nothing else is more important.

Then Suddenly the next day you are a different person. Nothing really changed since day before but somehow you are not able to bring back this happiness again. Morning is not bad but during the day negative thoughts start to rule your life. Since there's nothing changed you see no optimism for the future. No achievements and no effects, it all kills your vibeThen suddenly everything changes again another morning and you can rule the world once more.

No matter what mood you woke up with remember that it is the same you, with the same opportunities on the same world. There is no yesterday or tomorrow, we live here and now don't waste life for empty thinking. 

Take a deep breath and cut thought race for half a minute. Wake up and realize there are no problems at this particular moment, enjoy life every day.


Human right to be right

They tell us what to wear, what to eat and what to speak to be accepted. They want to have our time our memories and our future plans. They want us to be like them, to sacrifice and never ask why. They say we have no choice.

For every request and every order, we say no, because we stick to what we think. If there is truth out there it must be freedom and we have right to be free.

Whether at school, church or big corporation you don't have to be one of them, because you are simply always yourselfSome things we do in life as they must be done but it is only a way to achieve personal goals. Nevertheless being faithful and true to own beliefs makes us strong and fearless on this lonely road.

No matter what the group says and what they think of you the truth is only one and you have the right to stick to it... 

That simply makes you free.


No place like home

No matter how far we go away from home and how beautiful the world can be outside, we will always remember some places and people

It only takes seconds sometimes but images appear so clearly and bright in your head that you exactly know where to come back when you are lost. No one from outside will ever understand why you take this flight regularly. Some old buildings, uneven sidewalks and ordinary people. 

What attract us to once again walk around the same streets without a reason and purpose?

This is what we all are, people from somewhere. We always want to come back home. We were born here and we grow up here. We know these backyards, streets and blocks better than any other place in the world. Every building has a story to tell and we have own stories from that corners and squares.

There are better places to live life in this world but there is no better place to be born and to die... 


Make the impossible possible

Think of all the things you've already achieved in your life. From the smallest successes like passed exams at school or finished projects at work to those huge like building own company or raising your children. Wasn't it all impossible for you before it actually happened? 

Try to remind yourself this feeling when you made it.. Priceless!

Being proud of your achievements is so important for the future plans. Every time you feel hopeless go back to your successful moments in life. There is no bigger inspiration than your own success. It shows your potential and skills. It kills whole fear in your head and it makes you believe again that dreams are possible even when nobody cares.

Make the impossible happen like it was nothing and don't stop to reach your dreams. All you need is confidence and bright vision with a good plan

Keep your mind under control and you'll see there is nothing impossible.


Gift of life

Instead of constantly thinking about time passing, it's better to focus on creation... 

We all have power and will to build things in unique way but just a few of us are brave enough or stupid enough to do it. Some say it's a show off to do things differently but in fact it's a true deep hidden need to create something special and change the world.

We are all creators and it doesn't matter if we create great international companies or just build lego structures at home because we are able to create life. Bold visions and big dreams are a part of masterminds but human creation is beyond that. It's a God's skill given to everyone of us for free.

Just like our parents and their parents we can start somebody's life. We can make their dreams possible. Is there anything more creative or more important than creation of human being?

Those who don't appreciate life not only waste own existence but also their children.

Don't ever forget about your possibilities in creation before your time ends. Feel free to do whatever you want but remember where you came from and where are you going to.


Passion revealed

At the bottom of every human heart, there is something indefinite, something that nobody told you about, something that just a few can understand...

It is a matter of time when one realizes that it is a purpose of living a happy life. It is something that every one of us has to find alone
The easiest way is to go back to the childhood and remind all the thing that made you happy and satisfied

Adults are too limited and too serious to do crazy things. Kids are true and carefree, they show their feelings and emotions right away. It is time when human passion reveals in pure and clear form... Essence of life. 

Find it in your memories and dreams, go for it and make it real. Remind yourself how beautiful was this feeling of absolute freedom and happiness.

Every one of us has a small piece of child inside. Keep care about it and you'll see your life changed. Calculations and analysis are good but might kill your dreams

Reveal your true deep passion and stick to it all your heart.


The right choice is you

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we have to always remember who we really are. We can follow other people and speak in their language but our real thoughts are different... 

If you ever wonder what to choose or whose opinion is better, remember that the right one is in your head. Think of all the good things about yourself and all the things that you are passionate about, stick to those which you love most.

Till the day you reveal your true self, you are just one average person. Nothing will change and nobody will see you special.
You can wear fancy modern clothes like someone you know, but without true expression of yourself, you are just a copycat
It’s like driving a sport car without using it's power, you can have it just to show off but it is nothing in to compare with it’s real potential, real purpose.

Express yourself to the world. Hold on to your passions and dreams. Wear clothes you want and drive your car to the limitDon't pretend anybody else. Follow your heart and your mind.

Make the right choice because the right choice is you.


Time to go

From all the treasures in the world one is the most expensive and it can not be held. Even billionaires can't afford to waste it.

We travel from one end to the other through our lives but some of us have no idea that in fact we have no time for doing nothing. They wake up in their 60's asking themselves: 

How this happened to me? 

Did I waste my life being a puppet to the world around me?

Do I really have no effect on who I am?

Not being yourself, following crowds, having bad habits and keeping to norms or stereotypes will never make you feel proud of yourself
Form your destiny. Be great!

There is nothing more important than fulfillment in life. Don't forget that every day might be the last one. We cannot choose deadline, but we can do whatever it takes to be ready even now.
Never say, I am too old for that or it's already too late.
Maybe it is time to go away today but maybe it's not and you still got plenty of time to do something meaningful.

Always Stick to what you think and create it own style. Don't loose more days, hours, minutes... 

Get up it's time to go on now.


Local heroes

Every place has it's own unique story and even if not many people knows it, it is worth to be remembered and shared. If you come from that place, you are a part of it, so never forget your roots.

Times were very different 70 years ago, but we are still here because a small group of ordinary people sacrificed their existence to defend our homeland

They had no chance to win, but they had a dream.. A dream of freedom which has been fulfilled and makes us proud even today.

No matter where you are, remember where you came from and who your ancestors are

Remember your heroes.


The sidewalk is yours

In a crowded places like subway or street during rush hours, people walk and drive cars like robots from their home to work or other way around. Their faces don’t show any optimism or happiness, most of them look like they reconciled with their fate already. 

Did they gave up? 

Did they lost their hope? 

You can just guess they did but sometimes between those grim masses you see cheerful faces of dreamers in different age.. 

These people are not there, they walk in the crowd, they drive through the traffic jam but their minds are somewhere in the sky high above the surface of average life. You see that happiness in their eyes even they try not to smile and to look normal. You can tell that they are inspired and motivated just because of the way they look ahead. It's their dream that makes them so unique and different in the gray society.

If you ever felt this way on an average day in an average place between average people that means you are special
Even they don't know it or maybe because they don't know it they see it. 

When you stick to your dreams with all the passion you have, you can be sure that wherever you go, the sidewalk is yours.


One of a million or one on a million

We are always responsible for our choices. There is nobody else to blame for the bad consequences or great results than yourself. Weather you follow trends or stay loyal to the classic it is your choice witch way you go and who you finally become. 

Most people just want to be a part of a bigger group to feel comfortable and safe. A few individuals choose their own lonely style and become strangers for the society. Both want to be special, but only a few are really unique.
Those weird people, who choose danger and life struggle, refuse to be a part of any corporation or social organization. They go alone through their life, until they meet people like them.

Because of their individual visions of the world, they set new trends, ideas and new ways for others. They are different, so they think different. They create because this is their purpose.

Those people choose passion and freedom to live their lives just as they always wanted. You can be like them or like rest of the world, it is your life, don't waste it for others.


When they say no

Far far away visions and uncertain goals are only visible to its owners. Every other person is blind and you can’t blame them. It’s not their fault that you can see further. It’s not their fault that your eyes are clear and bright. 

You have to realize that you look insane while you talk about it. You have to understand that talking won’t change anything. Don’t speak, just go. Let your actions to speak for you. Those little steps will guide you to your chosen destination, which will be your first base on this long long way called life. 

It doesn’t end here, because one goal becomes a part of another, but there is always that one dream on the horizon, which shines like a lodestar so you won’t mistake the direction.

People who made it are the best example and inspiration that everything is possible, but an attempt to follow their path will lead you to nowhere. Stick to your own passion and do what you really like

Be brave and f*uck schemes, only then you’ll see how great life can be.


In your own style

Different cultures, different people, different styles, that's who we are. This is the beauty of this world, it makes us curious about ourselves. Without diversity we would be more like characters from Pleasantville movie where everyone is alike. 

Sounds boring, but the truth is that cloth corporations want us to have the same styles, food companies want us to eat the same things and banks want to lend us the same money. Do we still have a choice?

Yes we do, as this world is too big for just one possibility.

We can create new ways of doing things and there is no corporation in the world which can predict what free person can do and when.
We don't ask for new technologies, we take what we have and combine it to create. We Mix food to find new tastes, we mix skills and passions to earn more money and we mix styles to create own..

To become a free person, you have to live in your own style #3Stick


Clear vision

Honesty is like a diamond in the world of lies. To uderstand why we are here, we have to be true to ourselves. The only problem is that most people forgotten their true purpose of existence. They only follow trends or other people.

To have a clear vision of who you are, you have to go back to the very beginning, when you were a child and when nothing was blurring your vision of this world. 

Clear child's mind is full of passion and dreams. There are no problems or limits to achieve something. You can imagine whatever you want and become it. 

Every one of us has a little child inside, we just have to find it.

Doesn't matter if every one else tells you that it is impossible, it's even better. That could only means "dream big" is your way of thinking. The right way..

Dreams are stronger than fear, when you clear your vision you will find the way to it. 


Disciplined is limited

Discipline is nothing to care about. We have to use it only to create habit and then forget it. 

Don't treat your life like a drill. Limiting bad habits and creating good ones is a way to build something better. To become awesome and free, in harmony with life, there has to be one thing which becomes your purpose.

It doesn't mean that you have to be like a machine or a robot. Don't resign from everything. It's not a military rigor.
Just limit what you don't care, to have more time for what you love. Suddenly you’ll find your life easier and other people will still think that you are much disciplined person. 

There is no philosophy, just a simple choice: either you want to be free, with the right habits in life or you want to be a slave of all the bad and time consuming things you used to do in your average life.

Whatever you do, it's your choice


Chasing perfection in land of creation

No one is perfect, simply because it's impossible. 

You can always try, but don't worry to be mistaken. Beautiful people hide their worries and fears under a mask of perfection. You won't see mistakes made by successful millionaires either. No matter what they say or what they pretend to be, they are all wrong too sometimes. Even if they are perfect businessmen or perfect models they suck in other aspects of life.

Let yourself to learn on every imperfection you make or see, to improve yourself for the future. It is a human right to be wrong and a matter of charactere not to be wrong all the time.

But from the other way, not making anything wrong saves your time and attention. It creates selfconfidence and makes you feel indestructibe

Try to give your best and pay attention to details. Whatever you're good at, if you love it, stick to it and you'll be rewarded... 

They' ll see you perfect.


They have no respect, because they don’t expect

The road looks long and bumpy when you are at the beginning, but It’s even more difficult when you are somewhere in the middle

You start having your doubts: - will I make it? 

Nobody cares and you made so much effort to get here. Nobody knows your little successes. Nobody wants to join you. No yet.. Do not expect it. Do not wait for it. Do what you love and what you care about. 

When you’re not expecting anything, the success will come to you one day when you become awesome in your passion. 
Keep going and remember that nobody expects anything unexpected from you

Learn as much as possible. Edit your life, to reduce waste of time. Master what you’ve already learned. Win with yourself and became incredible. 

Touch your dream to live life you always wanted. No matter if anybody is following you or not, this is your life and you have it once, don’t let anyone to create it for you. People have no respect at the beginning, because they don’t expect what you are dreaming.

Even, they don’t care, it doesn’t matter as you dare. 

Stick to unique.


Indefinite freedom

From all the choices we were given in life, only those undefined are definition of freedom.

Average people want statistics, frames and limits. We want only to be freeThey don’t like it as it’s not in their business, but we don’t give a F*CK. 

Whatever you do, don't let them put you into a schema. Don’t let their stereotypes to classify you. Passion reveals your true unique skills which will lead you to awesome one day. Nobody expects it. 

Don't look back, what was before is now nothing. Those who wanted to hold you on place without progress are gone

The only reason you’ re gone is wild

Stick to it.


Average is not your choice, awesome is.

Being average is nothing to share about just like doing average is nothing to be proud of... 

If you want to stay in shade, you probably will. Nobody will see you, even you. But if you want to feel your own greateness, you have to act different, think different and become different

There is nothing wrong to be different, as different makes a real difference. If you let your life to drive you through it, you will never pass the border of average. Your dreams will never become your reality. 
Stay awake late or wake up early. Do not waste your time. It is your moment now, your choice. Look above the crowds and see how many of us want to be awesome

It is not to be awesome for somebody, but to be awesome for yourself. Other people will never see you average, because you are not one of them anymore. 

When you choose your path, nobody will ever stop you as average is nothing in compare to awesome!


Criticism is not hate

When you don’t like something, you can only love it or hate it in the world’s eyes. That is a stereotype which rules Internet. Artists, politics and celebrities call it's audience fans and haters. They seem not to see anything in the middle of the scale like criticism or just liking.

How powerful hater comment can be? 

On one hundred positive comments which makes receiver so happy and proud, just one negative can ruin the whole happiness in few seconds. It is on what people focus the most, rather than celebrate positiveness. That is how our minds are working...

Haters hate for a reason. Their goal is to make you suffer or at least make you mad. These people have either life difficulties or are just really unhappy, with no hope for change.  We are not allowed to hate them but we are free to criticize their behavior.

On the other hand there are lovers (fans and followers), who seem to be blind for artistic aspects of creation and only thing they love is a fact that somebody is famous or rich. Sometimes they blind follow media opinions only. These are fanatics with no sense of taste or style, ready to accept whatever their idols do without using their own brains. 

Again, we stick what we think as criticism is not hatred. Everybody is allowed to express their opinion on everything without being called “hater”.

Be yourself. Feel free to stick to your views.


Simplicity is an art of perfection

Wise men say that the best solutions are usually as simple as possible. Just look at the Google’s website and think how complicated could it be.. It is possible to achieve that effect only if you know from the very beginning, what your goal is. 

By adding details, stages and new solutions on your way to perfection you can either finish with a great developed result or end up with a great luscious mess. People seems to ignore that, but not without a reason. 

Simplicity is known from the very beginning of our existence. We (as a human culture) use to come back to it every 15-30 years, but just like we get bored of wide range of colors and complicated structures we also get bored of simple designs. The only thing that is never changing is the fact that simple solutions save our time, effort and also money to achieve what we planned.

Creating simple is much more effective when we take away what is “too much”, rather than adding what feels “nice and smooth”. It is always good to consider weather "one more little thing" doesn't ruin the whole vision. 

Being simple is a perfect balance between “too much” and “too less”. 

Let's stick to the simple things and ideas, as they refer to every aspect of our lives in creating the future.


Some things we do because other people do it. Some things we do because no other can.

How can someone tell you what you should create or discover if he did not create or discover anything yet. How can you know that what others do is the right way to do for you. How can enybody want you to be someone else, when you just want to be yourself... 

The only person you can be sure is you, even if you are not sure you can make it. Look at yourself and become what you really are. Feel the flow to break stereotypes and trends. Stop following somebody’s life to celebrate your own.

This is not a cheap motivation talk from billionaires mouth, it’s a fact! To change anything In your life, you just need your own passion. There are some thnigs we have to do to be happy, but passion makes it much easier. Show your passion and make it visible to the world.

Your Individual style of doing things is unique, stick to it!


Change the world or die trying

...unless you have no ambition to do that, please don't read.

It is certain ofcourse that not every one of us can be Steve Jobs, but it is also certain that every one of us can change himself to be a better person. Start here and watch what butterfly effect can do to your environment. The truth is that what can only stop you, is yourself and you know that!

World does not exist when you have your purpose. All you need is belief, patience and perseverance. The idea is just a begining of the journey, but even Jobs had to start from scratch once. 

Good ideas are like viruses and can spread all over the world very very fast, aspecially now when Google, Facebook, Twitter, YoutubeInstagram or Pinterest rules the web. 

You can say it is an art of a genius to come up with a good idea at once. Maybe it is, but there is nothing genius in being just.. better. 

Weather you agree or not, there is one simple fact you can't deny:

doing better initiates change, and each change can be a good idea!