We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Motivation is great but inspiration is better

To start doing something new we just need some motivation but to create something big we have to be truly inspired.

Look on the instagram for example and think of it for a moment. Every second person with half naked selfie after workout is a personal trainer or at least tries to be one. Every one wants to motivate others. Great healthy trend but isn't it that this show off is just a mass social demonstration of ego through the internet and nothing else. Nothing bad at all but does it really motivate your conscious self or just its unconscious part which is your own ego? 

You see somebodys great shape, diet advices and everyday gym sessions and you feel it is not ok to sit and rest or go for a party. Your ego wants to be like them or better. This is fine but, how does is motivate you in a long distance? What is important for yourself besides selfies and following trends in life...

Nevermind, anything that will make you change your bad behaviors even a feel of guilty or a fear of being worse, is good as long as it works! 

Great leaders knows that motivation is just for start and soon it looses it's power. To survive all the crisises and finish what you have started you need something more than that... 

You need an inspiration.


When we meet the right people

There are so many faces and situations in life, with so many smiles and good words, but also so many envy looks and fake friends between them. We don't know who will we meet tomorrow and who will they really be but we still have a choice, we can always choose... friends.

Some people change our life for better, some make it more complicated, it is a matter of experience and self confidence what choice we make in future relations.

There is something obvious, If you are conscious of yourself enough, in every new relation that helps you to understand the intentions of the other person. Sometimes it takes few minutes, when in other cases lasts for days, weeks or even months. When you get older it becomes easier to recognize who to hang with and who to hang outside from your world.

After so many bad experiences with people you can be amazed when a complete stranger gives you a hand and wants nothing back for his help. It still happens. Believe in people but be careful, the worst are those who fake their friendship for profit.

It is almost impossible to succeed with absolutly any help from anybody, so when you do so it means you met the right people, don't forget who they are.

Stick to your true friends!


New beginnings

Every day millions of people make decisions on the big changes in life, where half of them end up with just words and the other half take this very first step to try. 

Thousands of those brave optimists continue their actions when first effects appear but just a part of them become motivated by own achievements. This is just a beginning. From this group only few hundreds are inspired enough to continue with a clear vision in mind across every own weakness, inconvenience or problem. The conclusion is that most of people are good with starting but they usually give up before finish. All those new year's resolutions are great as long as they last at least a year not just a few months or weeks.

We lose with discipline and we lose with good habits because we are lazy or we simply see no primary purpose in it any more.

Lack of inspiration to continue what you have started is like empty tank in your car on a highway through the desert. What you should do is to push your car forward and be patient, even if it's hard. Sooner or later gas station appears on the horizon and you will be able to continue with pedal to the metal to reach your goal.

But it is very possible that you will try something new and walk on your feet the opposite way leaving your car and everything you had on the side of the road. When after few years you decide to come back and ride on again, there will be nothing left, only a wreck of a great ride as a dim memory of a good plan.

Sometimes it is better to stick what you've already started, than all those new beginnings but... the choice is yours ofcourse.