We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Face all days

There are days when you are great and days when you feel worse than ever, challenge them all. Don't ever let your ego to destroy you by too much self confidence and pride. Success is not an end it's just a beginning.

Watch out for being too humble to what you've already achieved. Don't let nobody and nothing to take control over you. Happy life is understanding of different situations, behaviors and ability to keep everything balanced in your own world. Building environment by gathering the right people over you is the best way for dreams come true.

Sometimes days are grey and inexpressive but don't get depressed too easy, after the rain the sun comes out. Even the most difficult moments bring experience and knowledge to your life. Patience is what keeps every dreamer alive. You have to survive the worst times just like you appreciate the good ones. We don't choose place where we born and we don't choose childhood but we can choose life and happiness instead of hopeless misery.

Every day is different, even you feel like nothing changes, the world is not the same tomorrow. Take a part in it, get up, stand up, tell them what you believe, stop being everyone else. Create your own life just like you always wanted. But, when finally you enthusiastically decide to do it, remember that it won't be easy, it never was. 

Be ready for the good and for the bad times, be ready to face all days...


Like birds in the sky

Even we can't fly there are moments in life when we are free like birds in the sky...

Yes there are, but before years of freedom there are always years of slavery. No matter where we're from, Africa, Asia, America or Europe our fathers has lost their freedom more than once in the history of the world. Every nation has experienced some kind of slavery or so called limited freedom which really doesn't exist for true men of honor.

There is no difference if you are poor or rich as both can be slaves of money at the same time. One is trapped for every day struggle to survive, paying bills and looking for cheap food because he earns too little. The other one is spending so much that he has to keep his businesses in top condition all the time not to bankrupt and land on the street the next day.

Chasing funds should never be your purpose, money are just a means to an end which is freedom. Some rich people just reach further and further with their needs and they are never satisfied. They think having money is a key to happiness but the truth is that only absolute freedom can make your life truly beautiful. 

Slaves of wealth are not much different than slaves of poverty, all they need is money.

Appreciate all those moments when you forget about riches. Celebrate moments with your family, friends, moments with yourself and moments with nature. Enjoy that unique conscious state of mind. 

Spread your wings and let the wind keep you up there as long as possible, enjoy your freedom!


Beauty of all doesn't mean beautiful

What is beauty in fact if it is not what we see in the first place... or maybe it is only what we see and everything else is just ugly or common?

We see beauty in people, clothes, cars, styles, art, and actions. Sometimes because of tattoos on shapely body, sometimes because the material is soft and has a great color. We see beauty in anything from smartphone to a bottle of coke... Have we forgot what beautiful is? Maybe we've just lost the empathy and attention to what really matters.

Some places are really beautiful but most are just different from our homelands and that is why we admire them so much.

The most difficult thing is to see beauty in people who, in the social norms are considered poor or ugly. This is something we are ashamed of most, but this is also something that makes us the most human in the world of fake.

A beautiful pics on Instagram, of a beautiful 16 year old girl (selfies of course) on a beautiful holidays in beautiful mountains with beautiful boyfriend and beautiful friends dressed beautiful in expensive clothes, doing snowboarding and drinking beer having fun all day... Isn't beautiful?

Now how about a girl same age who instead of parties and fun during winter holidays is going to run through whole two weeks 50 kilometers on her own feet to help 4 year old child, who has a cancer no hair and no money for further therapy. She runs from one city to another to make people see how important it is to help others. Gaining attention for those who can't wait, is her life goal. No Instagram, no selfies, no rich friends and you know what, she's not even beautiful... She is a beauty itself.

Make good every day and be beautiful for yourself.