We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Road to the unforgettable

You can drive you life in two ways, maybe even more but I am not talking about style of driving, I mean result. 

We all have the same destination which is... death, so you can drive your life to the limits and simply get there faster or you can take your time and relax to make your road longer and more pleasant.

James Dean or Robert Redford? Doesn't matter as long as you know what you're doing. They were both great actors and had both good lives but only one of them became a legend. Is early death what we should be looking for then? No, because what we are really looking for, is life. Life which has a meaning not only to us but also for those who are around us.

Even we think we live only for ourselves the truth is that we live for others. When you are a performer you live for your audience. When you are a star you live for your fame and fans. When you are a parent you live for your children and when you don't have a family you live for your friends. What about when you have nobody to live for... you slowly loose your sense od life.

There are rebels and individuals who say they don't care what others say and they really don't. They don't give a crap if anybody here and now will appreciate their hard work, their art or any other creation. What they care for is to become unforgetable. That is what they live for as we all live for somebody. So rebels live for the stars, so they could shine after they're gone...

Are you a rebel? Choose your road to the unforgettable and stick what you live for. Life is too short to live for nothing and to leave nothing behind.


Dreams are not social

Because social dreams are not dreams any more. These are only a projections of someone's visions stolen by non creative minds. People see something and they say: it's me, i think the same, i want it just like the other person... 

Thats how we see a massive population of young people who dream about money and fame without any particular goals or reasons. Oh sorry they've got goals: tattoos, Mercedes G-Class, penthouse, top models, jet plane and so on, but are their real dreams hidden in they subconscious. Is this something they will ever find? Maybe when they get old and realize that what they did with their lives was not what they really wanted, but who cares...

If you want to be a hipster and you make tattoos all over your body plus all this funny clothes and beards you can make you dreams come true very easily. If you want to be a fitness god, just take 2-3 years of hard regular training plus healthy food plus supplements, out of your life and you will make your dream come true, not easily but nothing what can't be done by anybody. 

But these are not drems, these are trends and trends are social.

Remember real dreams are yours not theirs. Dreams are something you have in your mind and heart since you started to speak. Most of them are unconscious and it is only you who can realize what they are before you loose your youth and then life. Don't be ashamed of what you dream of, even if it's not going along with current trends.

Stick to your Real dreams, find them and don't tell nobody as it is your greatest secret and secrets shouldn't be social.