We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


There's no judgement nor assess if its failure or success

When you realize that you don't have to prove anything to anyone besides yourself you become so much more conscious of the beauty of here and now

There are no worries, doubts or fears. Since that moment everything you do is always the right thing. Nobody cares weather you succeed or die the next day. Only you can tell what is good for you. Non of those opinions matter when you climb the highest tree in the hood to feel pure freedom all your heart at the end. 

This is the most distinct sign of success... 

As a child you couldn't appreciate it because you didn't know what adult life is but now again the same feeling is only possible without people's judgements and opinions.

There is no such thing as success. Trillion dollars is not enough if your life motto is always to get moreThere is nothing like failure when you don't respect social norms and you simply don't care about what others say 

It is only you to define what is a happy life for you. 

Dream big but when you reach it finally take a deep breath and appreciate every minute of presence. Otherwise you'll never succeed inside yourself even the world will be applauding...

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