We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Road to the unforgettable

You can drive you life in two ways, maybe even more but I am not talking about style of driving, I mean result. 

We all have the same destination which is... death, so you can drive your life to the limits and simply get there faster or you can take your time and relax to make your road longer and more pleasant.

James Dean or Robert Redford? Doesn't matter as long as you know what you're doing. They were both great actors and had both good lives but only one of them became a legend. Is early death what we should be looking for then? No, because what we are really looking for, is life. Life which has a meaning not only to us but also for those who are around us.

Even we think we live only for ourselves the truth is that we live for others. When you are a performer you live for your audience. When you are a star you live for your fame and fans. When you are a parent you live for your children and when you don't have a family you live for your friends. What about when you have nobody to live for... you slowly loose your sense od life.

There are rebels and individuals who say they don't care what others say and they really don't. They don't give a crap if anybody here and now will appreciate their hard work, their art or any other creation. What they care for is to become unforgetable. That is what they live for as we all live for somebody. So rebels live for the stars, so they could shine after they're gone...

Are you a rebel? Choose your road to the unforgettable and stick what you live for. Life is too short to live for nothing and to leave nothing behind.


Dreams are not social

Because social dreams are not dreams any more. These are only a projections of someone's visions stolen by non creative minds. People see something and they say: it's me, i think the same, i want it just like the other person... 

Thats how we see a massive population of young people who dream about money and fame without any particular goals or reasons. Oh sorry they've got goals: tattoos, Mercedes G-Class, penthouse, top models, jet plane and so on, but are their real dreams hidden in they subconscious. Is this something they will ever find? Maybe when they get old and realize that what they did with their lives was not what they really wanted, but who cares...

If you want to be a hipster and you make tattoos all over your body plus all this funny clothes and beards you can make you dreams come true very easily. If you want to be a fitness god, just take 2-3 years of hard regular training plus healthy food plus supplements, out of your life and you will make your dream come true, not easily but nothing what can't be done by anybody. 

But these are not drems, these are trends and trends are social.

Remember real dreams are yours not theirs. Dreams are something you have in your mind and heart since you started to speak. Most of them are unconscious and it is only you who can realize what they are before you loose your youth and then life. Don't be ashamed of what you dream of, even if it's not going along with current trends.

Stick to your Real dreams, find them and don't tell nobody as it is your greatest secret and secrets shouldn't be social.


Hiding under the bridge - definition of loneliness

"Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner, sometimes I feel like my only friend..." even if there are so many people around, our friends, families and lovers. Does it mean loneliness? Is it really so sad? 

No, it only means different and it feels great. For most people being different is more strange than unique, but believe me It feels good to be different, at least my ego loves it!

When you are standing in a crowd, how do you feel? Think about it. If you feel safe as a part of this big group of people you are ok. They all go to work in this bus just like you, it is normal, there is nothing to worry about and you are ok. But when you feel like you don't belong here and you prefer to run in a snow next to this bus, or ride your bike in a rain, to prove yourself you're not average, you are not ok. That is right, there must be something wrong with you...

Maybe you are different? Against your comfort zone, against average known solutions, against the world. There is nothing wrong about it if it gives you happiness. There is nothing wrong about it if you don't hurt nobody. There is nothing wrong about it as real dreams are not social, they are different and unique for every one of us. 

Even it is not a good message to your ego, you have to know that one thing - you are not alone! There are more of us in this world, we might differ one from another but there is a piece of a champion hidden in our hearts waiting until it's released. Don't ever burn it down, let it shine in your inside for your whole life till your time comes.

Be patient and stick to the fire in you, it always makes you different.


Your own way to freedom

Besides of case when you are in jail and only one who can release you is mr president or patience and time, you can always choose how to get to your freedom.

We are all so different that not always freedom means the same to us. Some people want to shine so they drive luxurious cars and wear fancy clothes even they can not afford it, they use credit cards and take loans but this is freedom to them as showing of is a way to fulfill their dreams, at least in eyes of others. 

Other people never have nothing besides of peaceful mind and no stress at all which gives them freedom from financial liabilities.
Some people travel a lot because spending life in one place, called home is like a jail to them, they also find their own way to feel free in life.

There can be Freedom through passion which is so powerful that spending hours, days, weeks, months or even years on it is nothing to someone who loves what he does. Building a race car or writing a book is almost the same thing. It leads to a great final and gives so much satisfaction and fun on the way to it.

So called freedom of creation is where anyone can feel like a god. Being responsible for making something what noone ever made before is such an amazing feeling comparable to first Man on the moon or world record in olympic games. 

You have so many ways to become free person, nothing can stop you when you know what your personal freedom is. Go for it and never stop. 

Stick to it whole life like you used to.


Let me tell you a story

Once upon a time there was a man who believed that he is special and much more important than others around him. His ego made him strong and bossy so he naturally become someone very important... Natural born leader as they say. His friends didn't like him because of his selfishness and pride but there was nobody brave enough to tell him the truth, or maybe they simply knew he didn't care anyways.

The most important thing in his life was this so popular dream of all humanity to become rich and famous. It took him almost ten years of sacrifices and hard work to finally get to the place where everyone is famous, rich and... lonely. 

Why lonely? 

Because all of his closest friends where fake and they just needed his money and power to reach own goals. He had no family as his parents died long time ago and he had no children too because it was nothing to think of for such busy and successful Man called himself free bird.

He spent milions of dollars on cars, houses, yachts and women but couldn't get enough. Happiness never came to his life for more than a while. Thats why he used to say: there is no such thing as love or passion it's an illusion as only wild sex, hard drugs and a stack of money can bring you 5 minutes of joy. He died in the age of 40 because of heart attack.

Although the next day television informed about this tragedy and few days later his funeral became famous because of all the important people, he was never mentioned again by any of them...

This is nothing discovering, we all know why it happens all the time for so many people in the world. There are things which are more valuable  than being great. There are other people who can tell your story one day, not because you deserved it but because it's different.

Stick to the right things in life and tell me your story, you'll become a legend one day, I promise.


Before the darkness comes

In the light of joy, I see my life shining every day, but on the other side of the road I stay blind and hopeless for the rest of my hours...

This could be some cheap poetry of a weak writer but it is only a metaphor for everyday struggle with own mind like we all know. What your mind thinks? Ask yourself this basic question every time you feel you can't take it no more. Every day for every good thought one bad appears but always try to take it positive because balance is the key. Finding positives in negatives will make your mind ashamed and from that moment nothing bad could be your projection any more.

It is certain that we want to progress everyday, we want to achieve more and be supported by more people. What usually occurs in reality is that we are all alone with struggle, giving everything we can and seeing just a small trace of progress in every action taken. What's more we see other people who made it and instead of being more motivated we start to doubt... 

But what do you need it for? You are not them, they are not you, only you know what makes you happy. Don't try to be somebody, be yourself!

What about dark side of the road, when you walk to the darkness without hope, when you see nothing but disaster. This is the place where destiny is written from the very beginning and all you can do is to pretend you'll make it by deceptive creation of future... Yes it is terrifying, but because we travel through our lifes we visit many different places and not all of them are sandy beaches. 

The most important is to remember where you going as through all the dust and dark clouds you can always notice a small glimmer of light which in just a second can destroy all doubts and fears. This is a power of dreams because our biggest dream is to mean something before the darkness comes...

Stick to your dreams, never give up, fight your demons everyday!


Why we can not fly

Because we are humans and only humans. Our actions have no sense often and can be cruel to all living creatures including ourselves...

We kill hope and we kill happiness without purpose, not to survive but just to make somebody down. Mother nature is our greatest enemy, even we say it's so beautiful, the truth is we don't really care for her. We raise our hands to God thinking: "I am the only god in here" and we pray to the money. We even can't be true to ourselves as every one of us wants to be somebody else!

Some of us are insane by trying every day to stop this madness with faith, hope and love. People don't fly, but heroes do. They close their eyes to see above the clouds. Anything beyond average is their world and inspiration for others.

There are just heroes and great heroes but in fact they don't differ much. Famous minds are usually great heroes, as everybody knows them and they last longer in worlds memory. Beautiful minds doing good are unknown to the people and only a few can tell their story.These are just heroes. 

No matter what rank of popularity you have, remember that all heroes can fly, all you need is faith, passion and a dream which soon become your reality. 

Patience is the key.


Time for break

When you run through your life for dreams and goals, you are always ahead of people who waste their time by doing much less they are able to. You usually have more experience, more money, more fame and more satisfaction but what you don't have is time. 

Your progress is amazing when you look backwards on own life, why to slow down, why to stop? You can't. You pushing yourself more and more and when something slows you down you get mad.
Thats a feature of great leaders, champions and wealthy people, but maybe life is not only a race. Maybe we don't have to chase anybody just because the reward is so great. Maybe our race is just a fiction, a projection of own mind forced by social media and we are, they are missing something very important... Life?

When your goal is to get to the dreams you have it's a great thing, never stop! Do everything you can and don't be lazy, but remember from time to time to get a break. A break which will let you rest and show life from different perspective. 

Live life of a moment for a while and enjoy those little everyday things to be confident that you are not missing anything because of your passion. Clear vision it a good plan for the future but also great time living life today, not tomorrow! 

Stick to it in your race to salvation...


Do not sorry for no glory

When you did what you can to reach your goal and still nothing changed it is not a reason to give up or lose motivation. Only thing you have to do is to change point of view and go forward. 

Try to realize that you did more than you would expect before it all started. You are better person now and this will stay with you forever. Instead of giving up try to bite it from the other side. Create new plan, new mission and give yourself to it again with full passion and love. Again sacrifice hundred nights to build it from scratch.

You should do it all different than before just for one reason: 

Never let yourself to get caught up in a schema that will make you a slave of hope for the rest of your life. 

In next 20 years you might try the same thing every day but the truth is you will end up with nothing more than frustration. Try to release your thinking, free your mind to create new things. Schemas are for limited people and you know what, every profesional person is limited somehow if he or she is not able to change anything, to improve or create new.

So everytime you blame yourself for not getting to the top or not being the best, remember that you already crossed the line of your abilities, by doing differently what others do the same. You don't have to do like everybody else just to look like they looked when they made it.

Stick to your freedom, not to your limited skills or possibilities. Learn more and do more but don't be blind for what you already achieved. That is the essence of life progress and everyday happiness...


I'd rather mistake and learn than act perfect and burn

If you feel you are perfect you must be an idiot or your ego is just a little bit bigger than Universe, anyways it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for being such a great person it's just impossible for you to make a mistake... and gain any progress too right?

Well fortunately most people are different than that maybe they are not THAT special but still special in their own real way. What makes us humans, is that we all make mistakes. We learn how to do better and better by stumbling everyday. We don't born with knowledge and wisdom as IQ doesn't matter if you ain't scientist. 

Nobody is perfect even you think they are. Image of your own self in social media is just an image. You are the only person who knows that behind that perfect body, perfect style and perfect friends there is someone who is sometimes scared, uncertain, lonely and unhappy too because not all we do succeeds.

Mistakes are good and being brave enough to admit that you fucked up something is an art of truth and a proof of wisdom (not IQ as even a genius can be a dumb egocentic).

A path to mastery is always difficult and long, a faultless process is an absurd. Do not afraid to be wrong sometimes, those who act perfect don't know what freedom is. They are lost in their dream image of themselves while true life is running away. 

Be as good as you can by giving one hundred percent every time you do something and always stay real. If life is your school, mistakes are your most valuable lessons...


Some people pay for knowhow to win, some just want to know how to be happy

To follow your dream you have to ask yourself 3 questions: 

Do you know why you want to do it? (a vision) 

Do you know how will you do it? (a plan) 

Did you finally decide that you will do it? (action) 

If all three answers are yes, you are ready to start your journey...

Ok but before everything else, do you even know what is your biggest dream? We are not talking about cars, clothes or cribs, ok wealth can be a goal but it may not satisfy you at all, what then will you do to find complete happiness. Do you know how to find your purpose?

It is not easy and not a short process for sure, it may take a year or couple of years or even a lifetime sometimes but it is definitely worth it. Once discovered you will never suffer on lack of motivation, you become motivation yourself as everything you do will be made with passion and full focus.

How to find your purpose, is there any instruction for it? There are ways and methods which can help you to understand own behaviors and actions but there is no one certain instruction. People who found it, can tell their stories and you can try to relate to it but your story will always be different, that you can be sure. 

Again, same question: How? Take a piece of paper and a pen, draw two columns, one with a header What am I good at? The other one with header What am I passionate about (what do I like)? Think about it well, don't hurry, write everything that comes to your mind. Come back to it the next day and two days later and when you finish writing, try to connect things from the left column to things in the right column. Those few sets of things are your starting points. Choose one and try to master it, if you feel that's not it, try the second one from your list an then the next one... 

These sets can relate to each other by creating full picture of your real potential. When you feel passion and fear go for it and never stop, no matter what.

From now on all you need is a good plan, constant focus and a lot of persistence. Is it that simple? Yes but not easy, simplicity is what it is all about not to loose your main purpose. Be ready for crisis and struggle. It never was and never will be easy. I see it every single day. What makes things happen is hard work and sacrifice. A belief that you are right and that it's gonna happen one day, never let bad opinions to blur your vision. 

Stay awake, focus and stick to the plan. Now you know how.


What kills imagination

Our mind is our greatest enemy. We visualize things which won't ever happen and we blame ourselves for past actions which no longer exist in present. Some people can't handle their lifes because they are absolutely under control of their own mind. They become thoughts and concerns as all they do is... thinking.

They think so much about past or future that they forget about NOW. It is the reality which thanks to our mind, place us in those roles and situations without perspectives where we schematically find ourselves constantly unhappy because of what we don't yet have or what we haven't done. 

Logically thinking it is bullshit, but we do it every day, even on the highest levels of financial hierarchy we can't get enough. Money won't solve problems but people still believe that rich and famous are the happiest human beings on this planet. Happiness is not a goal in life, it is a state of mind in which one can find himself by realizing that past and future doesn't really exist. 

Acceptance of mind as a tool, not identity, and "now" as only reality requires imagination. If you once understand it there will be no limits, schemas, roles, stereotypes, everything is possible when you know you are not your mind's slave. Reality becomes so rich and beautiful through every step you take.

We stick what we think but we think when we want, not when we have to. Mind is a tool, turn it off sometimes to enjoy world around you, NOW...


Feed your brain

Stock cars are boring, everybody knows that. For people who treat them just like a way of transportation without any passion these are fine, but still boring. For some enthusiasts, cars are like art or sometimes a time machines which can take you back to highschool or even to your childhood. 

But still stock cars are boring, that is why we modify them. We change everything from suspension, wheels, brakes, body, interior straight to the engine, heart and brain of the machine. Engines are getting power and toque with fast reaction to gas and great sound from it's exhaust. This is great but non of your car mods will have sense if you have no fuel.

Our brain is very similar to car's engine, it runs our lives forward. Every new experience is a modification which simply increase its durability. When you gain knowledge you make your head engine more powerful and efficient. We modify our lives too, sometimes for good sometimes for worse, but to be motivated enough to progress every day and never give up, you have to have a dream, possible to achieve. Not only a dream actually but most of all a plan how to get it. You have to know what to do and what to deny to save precious time for your family, friends and your big dream. 

This detailed plan of all small steps on your way to freedom is a gps you can trust. To run your engine and keep it hot you need fuel. Don't go to the gas stadion Find your passion in you, it will keep your brain conscious and focused on priorities just like high octane petrol for your modified car.

Stock cars are boring, but average people are hopeless. Stick to your dreams and passions, feed your brain and go wherever you want, life is too short to regret anything...


Vision to change

All humans have a kind of defect in their nature which is one of the most annoying disadvantages in the ecosystem. This is also the most amazing and developing skill from all living creatures. We sometimes love it but most of us hate it really.

You probably wonder what kind of superpower push mankind to develop and in the same time makes us cursed for centuries. It is simply one thing... we get bored easily. 
We can't do same things every day just like we can't wear same clothes and eat same meals for our whole lives. We are unruly children in the toy shop.

This unique feature drives us to search new ways to do things and new ways to create things. We are pushed through our lives by anxiety of not trying everything around, which is in truth impossible to do. Life is too short and we know that but still we are searching for more. 

Some changes are small and they don't mean nothing, like new clothes or new smartphone in your hand but the big ideas can change your whole life... for those, you need to have a vision.


Face all days

There are days when you are great and days when you feel worse than ever, challenge them all. Don't ever let your ego to destroy you by too much self confidence and pride. Success is not an end it's just a beginning.

Watch out for being too humble to what you've already achieved. Don't let nobody and nothing to take control over you. Happy life is understanding of different situations, behaviors and ability to keep everything balanced in your own world. Building environment by gathering the right people over you is the best way for dreams come true.

Sometimes days are grey and inexpressive but don't get depressed too easy, after the rain the sun comes out. Even the most difficult moments bring experience and knowledge to your life. Patience is what keeps every dreamer alive. You have to survive the worst times just like you appreciate the good ones. We don't choose place where we born and we don't choose childhood but we can choose life and happiness instead of hopeless misery.

Every day is different, even you feel like nothing changes, the world is not the same tomorrow. Take a part in it, get up, stand up, tell them what you believe, stop being everyone else. Create your own life just like you always wanted. But, when finally you enthusiastically decide to do it, remember that it won't be easy, it never was. 

Be ready for the good and for the bad times, be ready to face all days...


Like birds in the sky

Even we can't fly there are moments in life when we are free like birds in the sky...

Yes there are, but before years of freedom there are always years of slavery. No matter where we're from, Africa, Asia, America or Europe our fathers has lost their freedom more than once in the history of the world. Every nation has experienced some kind of slavery or so called limited freedom which really doesn't exist for true men of honor.

There is no difference if you are poor or rich as both can be slaves of money at the same time. One is trapped for every day struggle to survive, paying bills and looking for cheap food because he earns too little. The other one is spending so much that he has to keep his businesses in top condition all the time not to bankrupt and land on the street the next day.

Chasing funds should never be your purpose, money are just a means to an end which is freedom. Some rich people just reach further and further with their needs and they are never satisfied. They think having money is a key to happiness but the truth is that only absolute freedom can make your life truly beautiful. 

Slaves of wealth are not much different than slaves of poverty, all they need is money.

Appreciate all those moments when you forget about riches. Celebrate moments with your family, friends, moments with yourself and moments with nature. Enjoy that unique conscious state of mind. 

Spread your wings and let the wind keep you up there as long as possible, enjoy your freedom!


Beauty of all doesn't mean beautiful

What is beauty in fact if it is not what we see in the first place... or maybe it is only what we see and everything else is just ugly or common?

We see beauty in people, clothes, cars, styles, art, and actions. Sometimes because of tattoos on shapely body, sometimes because the material is soft and has a great color. We see beauty in anything from smartphone to a bottle of coke... Have we forgot what beautiful is? Maybe we've just lost the empathy and attention to what really matters.

Some places are really beautiful but most are just different from our homelands and that is why we admire them so much.

The most difficult thing is to see beauty in people who, in the social norms are considered poor or ugly. This is something we are ashamed of most, but this is also something that makes us the most human in the world of fake.

A beautiful pics on Instagram, of a beautiful 16 year old girl (selfies of course) on a beautiful holidays in beautiful mountains with beautiful boyfriend and beautiful friends dressed beautiful in expensive clothes, doing snowboarding and drinking beer having fun all day... Isn't beautiful?

Now how about a girl same age who instead of parties and fun during winter holidays is going to run through whole two weeks 50 kilometers on her own feet to help 4 year old child, who has a cancer no hair and no money for further therapy. She runs from one city to another to make people see how important it is to help others. Gaining attention for those who can't wait, is her life goal. No Instagram, no selfies, no rich friends and you know what, she's not even beautiful... She is a beauty itself.

Make good every day and be beautiful for yourself.


Stop dream about life, live with a dream

We may not be happy with our jobs or life partners, we may feel like there is a better life for us or like we deserve more because we were born to mean something. We may feel lonely and lost but we can't forget it's not over...

It is never too late to find a purpose and change own life for it.
All people have dreams as kids, even when grow up too, but after few years of regular job they start to forget or maybe just lose hope. They focus on routine and schemat of being a part of the society. 
They not only become a part of the group but rather a group itself. This is who I am they say, knowing nothing about who they really are. Their dreams no longer exist as they have been replaced by social rules and labels given by role models they follow. Facing reality might be depressing but living somebody's life is hopeless.

Even in the worst days, weeks, months or maybe sometimes years we cannot forget what we are living for. Boring job, annoying wife, fake friends can't kill one's original vision. They only blur it for a while, but you are who you are and never let them force you to dream about what they have or what they dream to have.

Go through your life with pride and confidence because as long as you know what rest of the world have no idea of, you are still yourself. 

Even living next to them, you have your own dream... Get it one day, life is to short to wait for the best moment. 

Stick to yourself!


Nothing is perfect

We see people who do their thing like they were infallible. They seem so good that most of us can only admire their genius in action, but there are those who knows that this is only a matter of training and focus with a little bit of talent to become that good. 

Still, good is never perfect as life is too short to reach that level of skills. The truth is that even everyone else see you're doing your best and it seems far more than only good for them, only you know it is not what you want it to be or... that you simply can do more

There is always a space for growth and being better because, again perfect is not possible to achieve.

For example. Every day we see beautiful girls on the streets, they might have beautiful faces, hair and bodies, but there is always a kind of defect, and in most cases it's their mind. Sometimes it is a matter of character or a matter of IQ but in conclusion this amazing body is far from perfect with its shortcomings.

Similarly those who are rich and wealthy and famous, can buy anything... except time with their families. Even they seem perfect businessmen and businesswomen they suck as parents by missing large part of their kids childhood.

Sacrifice is what comes to mind when perfection appears as a main target. Sometimes it is worth it, sometimes it is not but one is certain, balance is always the right solution, stick to it!


Motivation is great but inspiration is better

To start doing something new we just need some motivation but to create something big we have to be truly inspired.

Look on the instagram for example and think of it for a moment. Every second person with half naked selfie after workout is a personal trainer or at least tries to be one. Every one wants to motivate others. Great healthy trend but isn't it that this show off is just a mass social demonstration of ego through the internet and nothing else. Nothing bad at all but does it really motivate your conscious self or just its unconscious part which is your own ego? 

You see somebodys great shape, diet advices and everyday gym sessions and you feel it is not ok to sit and rest or go for a party. Your ego wants to be like them or better. This is fine but, how does is motivate you in a long distance? What is important for yourself besides selfies and following trends in life...

Nevermind, anything that will make you change your bad behaviors even a feel of guilty or a fear of being worse, is good as long as it works! 

Great leaders knows that motivation is just for start and soon it looses it's power. To survive all the crisises and finish what you have started you need something more than that... 

You need an inspiration.


When we meet the right people

There are so many faces and situations in life, with so many smiles and good words, but also so many envy looks and fake friends between them. We don't know who will we meet tomorrow and who will they really be but we still have a choice, we can always choose... friends.

Some people change our life for better, some make it more complicated, it is a matter of experience and self confidence what choice we make in future relations.

There is something obvious, If you are conscious of yourself enough, in every new relation that helps you to understand the intentions of the other person. Sometimes it takes few minutes, when in other cases lasts for days, weeks or even months. When you get older it becomes easier to recognize who to hang with and who to hang outside from your world.

After so many bad experiences with people you can be amazed when a complete stranger gives you a hand and wants nothing back for his help. It still happens. Believe in people but be careful, the worst are those who fake their friendship for profit.

It is almost impossible to succeed with absolutly any help from anybody, so when you do so it means you met the right people, don't forget who they are.

Stick to your true friends!


New beginnings

Every day millions of people make decisions on the big changes in life, where half of them end up with just words and the other half take this very first step to try. 

Thousands of those brave optimists continue their actions when first effects appear but just a part of them become motivated by own achievements. This is just a beginning. From this group only few hundreds are inspired enough to continue with a clear vision in mind across every own weakness, inconvenience or problem. The conclusion is that most of people are good with starting but they usually give up before finish. All those new year's resolutions are great as long as they last at least a year not just a few months or weeks.

We lose with discipline and we lose with good habits because we are lazy or we simply see no primary purpose in it any more.

Lack of inspiration to continue what you have started is like empty tank in your car on a highway through the desert. What you should do is to push your car forward and be patient, even if it's hard. Sooner or later gas station appears on the horizon and you will be able to continue with pedal to the metal to reach your goal.

But it is very possible that you will try something new and walk on your feet the opposite way leaving your car and everything you had on the side of the road. When after few years you decide to come back and ride on again, there will be nothing left, only a wreck of a great ride as a dim memory of a good plan.

Sometimes it is better to stick what you've already started, than all those new beginnings but... the choice is yours ofcourse.