We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


The sidewalk is yours

In a crowded places like subway or street during rush hours, people walk and drive cars like robots from their home to work or other way around. Their faces don’t show any optimism or happiness, most of them look like they reconciled with their fate already. 

Did they gave up? 

Did they lost their hope? 

You can just guess they did but sometimes between those grim masses you see cheerful faces of dreamers in different age.. 

These people are not there, they walk in the crowd, they drive through the traffic jam but their minds are somewhere in the sky high above the surface of average life. You see that happiness in their eyes even they try not to smile and to look normal. You can tell that they are inspired and motivated just because of the way they look ahead. It's their dream that makes them so unique and different in the gray society.

If you ever felt this way on an average day in an average place between average people that means you are special
Even they don't know it or maybe because they don't know it they see it. 

When you stick to your dreams with all the passion you have, you can be sure that wherever you go, the sidewalk is yours.


One of a million or one on a million

We are always responsible for our choices. There is nobody else to blame for the bad consequences or great results than yourself. Weather you follow trends or stay loyal to the classic it is your choice witch way you go and who you finally become. 

Most people just want to be a part of a bigger group to feel comfortable and safe. A few individuals choose their own lonely style and become strangers for the society. Both want to be special, but only a few are really unique.
Those weird people, who choose danger and life struggle, refuse to be a part of any corporation or social organization. They go alone through their life, until they meet people like them.

Because of their individual visions of the world, they set new trends, ideas and new ways for others. They are different, so they think different. They create because this is their purpose.

Those people choose passion and freedom to live their lives just as they always wanted. You can be like them or like rest of the world, it is your life, don't waste it for others.


When they say no

Far far away visions and uncertain goals are only visible to its owners. Every other person is blind and you can’t blame them. It’s not their fault that you can see further. It’s not their fault that your eyes are clear and bright. 

You have to realize that you look insane while you talk about it. You have to understand that talking won’t change anything. Don’t speak, just go. Let your actions to speak for you. Those little steps will guide you to your chosen destination, which will be your first base on this long long way called life. 

It doesn’t end here, because one goal becomes a part of another, but there is always that one dream on the horizon, which shines like a lodestar so you won’t mistake the direction.

People who made it are the best example and inspiration that everything is possible, but an attempt to follow their path will lead you to nowhere. Stick to your own passion and do what you really like

Be brave and f*uck schemes, only then you’ll see how great life can be.


In your own style

Different cultures, different people, different styles, that's who we are. This is the beauty of this world, it makes us curious about ourselves. Without diversity we would be more like characters from Pleasantville movie where everyone is alike. 

Sounds boring, but the truth is that cloth corporations want us to have the same styles, food companies want us to eat the same things and banks want to lend us the same money. Do we still have a choice?

Yes we do, as this world is too big for just one possibility.

We can create new ways of doing things and there is no corporation in the world which can predict what free person can do and when.
We don't ask for new technologies, we take what we have and combine it to create. We Mix food to find new tastes, we mix skills and passions to earn more money and we mix styles to create own..

To become a free person, you have to live in your own style #3Stick


Clear vision

Honesty is like a diamond in the world of lies. To uderstand why we are here, we have to be true to ourselves. The only problem is that most people forgotten their true purpose of existence. They only follow trends or other people.

To have a clear vision of who you are, you have to go back to the very beginning, when you were a child and when nothing was blurring your vision of this world. 

Clear child's mind is full of passion and dreams. There are no problems or limits to achieve something. You can imagine whatever you want and become it. 

Every one of us has a little child inside, we just have to find it.

Doesn't matter if every one else tells you that it is impossible, it's even better. That could only means "dream big" is your way of thinking. The right way..

Dreams are stronger than fear, when you clear your vision you will find the way to it. 


Disciplined is limited

Discipline is nothing to care about. We have to use it only to create habit and then forget it. 

Don't treat your life like a drill. Limiting bad habits and creating good ones is a way to build something better. To become awesome and free, in harmony with life, there has to be one thing which becomes your purpose.

It doesn't mean that you have to be like a machine or a robot. Don't resign from everything. It's not a military rigor.
Just limit what you don't care, to have more time for what you love. Suddenly you’ll find your life easier and other people will still think that you are much disciplined person. 

There is no philosophy, just a simple choice: either you want to be free, with the right habits in life or you want to be a slave of all the bad and time consuming things you used to do in your average life.

Whatever you do, it's your choice