We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


What kills imagination

Our mind is our greatest enemy. We visualize things which won't ever happen and we blame ourselves for past actions which no longer exist in present. Some people can't handle their lifes because they are absolutely under control of their own mind. They become thoughts and concerns as all they do is... thinking.

They think so much about past or future that they forget about NOW. It is the reality which thanks to our mind, place us in those roles and situations without perspectives where we schematically find ourselves constantly unhappy because of what we don't yet have or what we haven't done. 

Logically thinking it is bullshit, but we do it every day, even on the highest levels of financial hierarchy we can't get enough. Money won't solve problems but people still believe that rich and famous are the happiest human beings on this planet. Happiness is not a goal in life, it is a state of mind in which one can find himself by realizing that past and future doesn't really exist. 

Acceptance of mind as a tool, not identity, and "now" as only reality requires imagination. If you once understand it there will be no limits, schemas, roles, stereotypes, everything is possible when you know you are not your mind's slave. Reality becomes so rich and beautiful through every step you take.

We stick what we think but we think when we want, not when we have to. Mind is a tool, turn it off sometimes to enjoy world around you, NOW...

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