To follow your dream you have to ask yourself 3 questions:
Do you know why you want to do it? (a vision)
Do you know how will you do it? (a plan)
Did you finally decide that you will do it? (action)
If all three answers are yes, you are ready to start your journey...
Ok but before everything else, do you even know what is your biggest dream? We are not talking about cars, clothes or cribs, ok wealth can be a goal but it may not satisfy you at all, what then will you do to find complete happiness. Do you know how to find your purpose?
It is not easy and not a short process for sure, it may take a year or couple of years or even a lifetime sometimes but it is definitely worth it. Once discovered you will never suffer on lack of motivation, you become motivation yourself as everything you do will be made with passion and full focus.
How to find your purpose, is there any instruction for it? There are ways and methods which can help you to understand own behaviors and actions but there is no one certain instruction. People who found it, can tell their stories and you can try to relate to it but your story will always be different, that you can be sure.
Again, same question: How? Take a piece of paper and a pen, draw two columns, one with a header What am I good at? The other one with header What am I passionate about (what do I like)? Think about it well, don't hurry, write everything that comes to your mind. Come back to it the next day and two days later and when you finish writing, try to connect things from the left column to things in the right column. Those few sets of things are your starting points. Choose one and try to master it, if you feel that's not it, try the second one from your list an then the next one...
These sets can relate to each other by creating full picture of your real potential. When you feel passion and fear go for it and never stop, no matter what.
From now on all you need is a good plan, constant focus and a lot of persistence. Is it that simple? Yes but not easy, simplicity is what it is all about not to loose your main purpose. Be ready for crisis and struggle. It never was and never will be easy. I see it every single day. What makes things happen is hard work and sacrifice. A belief that you are right and that it's gonna happen one day, never let bad opinions to blur your vision.
Stay awake, focus and stick to the plan. Now you know how.
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