We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Gift of life

Instead of constantly thinking about time passing, it's better to focus on creation... 

We all have power and will to build things in unique way but just a few of us are brave enough or stupid enough to do it. Some say it's a show off to do things differently but in fact it's a true deep hidden need to create something special and change the world.

We are all creators and it doesn't matter if we create great international companies or just build lego structures at home because we are able to create life. Bold visions and big dreams are a part of masterminds but human creation is beyond that. It's a God's skill given to everyone of us for free.

Just like our parents and their parents we can start somebody's life. We can make their dreams possible. Is there anything more creative or more important than creation of human being?

Those who don't appreciate life not only waste own existence but also their children.

Don't ever forget about your possibilities in creation before your time ends. Feel free to do whatever you want but remember where you came from and where are you going to.


Passion revealed

At the bottom of every human heart, there is something indefinite, something that nobody told you about, something that just a few can understand...

It is a matter of time when one realizes that it is a purpose of living a happy life. It is something that every one of us has to find alone
The easiest way is to go back to the childhood and remind all the thing that made you happy and satisfied

Adults are too limited and too serious to do crazy things. Kids are true and carefree, they show their feelings and emotions right away. It is time when human passion reveals in pure and clear form... Essence of life. 

Find it in your memories and dreams, go for it and make it real. Remind yourself how beautiful was this feeling of absolute freedom and happiness.

Every one of us has a small piece of child inside. Keep care about it and you'll see your life changed. Calculations and analysis are good but might kill your dreams

Reveal your true deep passion and stick to it all your heart.


The right choice is you

Wherever we go and whatever we do, we have to always remember who we really are. We can follow other people and speak in their language but our real thoughts are different... 

If you ever wonder what to choose or whose opinion is better, remember that the right one is in your head. Think of all the good things about yourself and all the things that you are passionate about, stick to those which you love most.

Till the day you reveal your true self, you are just one average person. Nothing will change and nobody will see you special.
You can wear fancy modern clothes like someone you know, but without true expression of yourself, you are just a copycat
It’s like driving a sport car without using it's power, you can have it just to show off but it is nothing in to compare with it’s real potential, real purpose.

Express yourself to the world. Hold on to your passions and dreams. Wear clothes you want and drive your car to the limitDon't pretend anybody else. Follow your heart and your mind.

Make the right choice because the right choice is you.


Time to go

From all the treasures in the world one is the most expensive and it can not be held. Even billionaires can't afford to waste it.

We travel from one end to the other through our lives but some of us have no idea that in fact we have no time for doing nothing. They wake up in their 60's asking themselves: 

How this happened to me? 

Did I waste my life being a puppet to the world around me?

Do I really have no effect on who I am?

Not being yourself, following crowds, having bad habits and keeping to norms or stereotypes will never make you feel proud of yourself
Form your destiny. Be great!

There is nothing more important than fulfillment in life. Don't forget that every day might be the last one. We cannot choose deadline, but we can do whatever it takes to be ready even now.
Never say, I am too old for that or it's already too late.
Maybe it is time to go away today but maybe it's not and you still got plenty of time to do something meaningful.

Always Stick to what you think and create it own style. Don't loose more days, hours, minutes... 

Get up it's time to go on now.


Local heroes

Every place has it's own unique story and even if not many people knows it, it is worth to be remembered and shared. If you come from that place, you are a part of it, so never forget your roots.

Times were very different 70 years ago, but we are still here because a small group of ordinary people sacrificed their existence to defend our homeland

They had no chance to win, but they had a dream.. A dream of freedom which has been fulfilled and makes us proud even today.

No matter where you are, remember where you came from and who your ancestors are

Remember your heroes.