We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Stop dream about life, live with a dream

We may not be happy with our jobs or life partners, we may feel like there is a better life for us or like we deserve more because we were born to mean something. We may feel lonely and lost but we can't forget it's not over...

It is never too late to find a purpose and change own life for it.
All people have dreams as kids, even when grow up too, but after few years of regular job they start to forget or maybe just lose hope. They focus on routine and schemat of being a part of the society. 
They not only become a part of the group but rather a group itself. This is who I am they say, knowing nothing about who they really are. Their dreams no longer exist as they have been replaced by social rules and labels given by role models they follow. Facing reality might be depressing but living somebody's life is hopeless.

Even in the worst days, weeks, months or maybe sometimes years we cannot forget what we are living for. Boring job, annoying wife, fake friends can't kill one's original vision. They only blur it for a while, but you are who you are and never let them force you to dream about what they have or what they dream to have.

Go through your life with pride and confidence because as long as you know what rest of the world have no idea of, you are still yourself. 

Even living next to them, you have your own dream... Get it one day, life is to short to wait for the best moment. 

Stick to yourself!


Nothing is perfect

We see people who do their thing like they were infallible. They seem so good that most of us can only admire their genius in action, but there are those who knows that this is only a matter of training and focus with a little bit of talent to become that good. 

Still, good is never perfect as life is too short to reach that level of skills. The truth is that even everyone else see you're doing your best and it seems far more than only good for them, only you know it is not what you want it to be or... that you simply can do more

There is always a space for growth and being better because, again perfect is not possible to achieve.

For example. Every day we see beautiful girls on the streets, they might have beautiful faces, hair and bodies, but there is always a kind of defect, and in most cases it's their mind. Sometimes it is a matter of character or a matter of IQ but in conclusion this amazing body is far from perfect with its shortcomings.

Similarly those who are rich and wealthy and famous, can buy anything... except time with their families. Even they seem perfect businessmen and businesswomen they suck as parents by missing large part of their kids childhood.

Sacrifice is what comes to mind when perfection appears as a main target. Sometimes it is worth it, sometimes it is not but one is certain, balance is always the right solution, stick to it!