We stick what we think

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We stick what we think!


Chasing perfection in land of creation

No one is perfect, simply because it's impossible. 

You can always try, but don't worry to be mistaken. Beautiful people hide their worries and fears under a mask of perfection. You won't see mistakes made by successful millionaires either. No matter what they say or what they pretend to be, they are all wrong too sometimes. Even if they are perfect businessmen or perfect models they suck in other aspects of life.

Let yourself to learn on every imperfection you make or see, to improve yourself for the future. It is a human right to be wrong and a matter of charactere not to be wrong all the time.

But from the other way, not making anything wrong saves your time and attention. It creates selfconfidence and makes you feel indestructibe

Try to give your best and pay attention to details. Whatever you're good at, if you love it, stick to it and you'll be rewarded... 

They' ll see you perfect.


They have no respect, because they don’t expect

The road looks long and bumpy when you are at the beginning, but It’s even more difficult when you are somewhere in the middle

You start having your doubts: - will I make it? 

Nobody cares and you made so much effort to get here. Nobody knows your little successes. Nobody wants to join you. No yet.. Do not expect it. Do not wait for it. Do what you love and what you care about. 

When you’re not expecting anything, the success will come to you one day when you become awesome in your passion. 
Keep going and remember that nobody expects anything unexpected from you

Learn as much as possible. Edit your life, to reduce waste of time. Master what you’ve already learned. Win with yourself and became incredible. 

Touch your dream to live life you always wanted. No matter if anybody is following you or not, this is your life and you have it once, don’t let anyone to create it for you. People have no respect at the beginning, because they don’t expect what you are dreaming.

Even, they don’t care, it doesn’t matter as you dare. 

Stick to unique.


Indefinite freedom

From all the choices we were given in life, only those undefined are definition of freedom.

Average people want statistics, frames and limits. We want only to be freeThey don’t like it as it’s not in their business, but we don’t give a F*CK. 

Whatever you do, don't let them put you into a schema. Don’t let their stereotypes to classify you. Passion reveals your true unique skills which will lead you to awesome one day. Nobody expects it. 

Don't look back, what was before is now nothing. Those who wanted to hold you on place without progress are gone

The only reason you’ re gone is wild

Stick to it.


Average is not your choice, awesome is.

Being average is nothing to share about just like doing average is nothing to be proud of... 

If you want to stay in shade, you probably will. Nobody will see you, even you. But if you want to feel your own greateness, you have to act different, think different and become different

There is nothing wrong to be different, as different makes a real difference. If you let your life to drive you through it, you will never pass the border of average. Your dreams will never become your reality. 
Stay awake late or wake up early. Do not waste your time. It is your moment now, your choice. Look above the crowds and see how many of us want to be awesome

It is not to be awesome for somebody, but to be awesome for yourself. Other people will never see you average, because you are not one of them anymore. 

When you choose your path, nobody will ever stop you as average is nothing in compare to awesome!


Criticism is not hate

When you don’t like something, you can only love it or hate it in the world’s eyes. That is a stereotype which rules Internet. Artists, politics and celebrities call it's audience fans and haters. They seem not to see anything in the middle of the scale like criticism or just liking.

How powerful hater comment can be? 

On one hundred positive comments which makes receiver so happy and proud, just one negative can ruin the whole happiness in few seconds. It is on what people focus the most, rather than celebrate positiveness. That is how our minds are working...

Haters hate for a reason. Their goal is to make you suffer or at least make you mad. These people have either life difficulties or are just really unhappy, with no hope for change.  We are not allowed to hate them but we are free to criticize their behavior.

On the other hand there are lovers (fans and followers), who seem to be blind for artistic aspects of creation and only thing they love is a fact that somebody is famous or rich. Sometimes they blind follow media opinions only. These are fanatics with no sense of taste or style, ready to accept whatever their idols do without using their own brains. 

Again, we stick what we think as criticism is not hatred. Everybody is allowed to express their opinion on everything without being called “hater”.

Be yourself. Feel free to stick to your views.


Simplicity is an art of perfection

Wise men say that the best solutions are usually as simple as possible. Just look at the Google’s website and think how complicated could it be.. It is possible to achieve that effect only if you know from the very beginning, what your goal is. 

By adding details, stages and new solutions on your way to perfection you can either finish with a great developed result or end up with a great luscious mess. People seems to ignore that, but not without a reason. 

Simplicity is known from the very beginning of our existence. We (as a human culture) use to come back to it every 15-30 years, but just like we get bored of wide range of colors and complicated structures we also get bored of simple designs. The only thing that is never changing is the fact that simple solutions save our time, effort and also money to achieve what we planned.

Creating simple is much more effective when we take away what is “too much”, rather than adding what feels “nice and smooth”. It is always good to consider weather "one more little thing" doesn't ruin the whole vision. 

Being simple is a perfect balance between “too much” and “too less”. 

Let's stick to the simple things and ideas, as they refer to every aspect of our lives in creating the future.


Some things we do because other people do it. Some things we do because no other can.

How can someone tell you what you should create or discover if he did not create or discover anything yet. How can you know that what others do is the right way to do for you. How can enybody want you to be someone else, when you just want to be yourself... 

The only person you can be sure is you, even if you are not sure you can make it. Look at yourself and become what you really are. Feel the flow to break stereotypes and trends. Stop following somebody’s life to celebrate your own.

This is not a cheap motivation talk from billionaires mouth, it’s a fact! To change anything In your life, you just need your own passion. There are some thnigs we have to do to be happy, but passion makes it much easier. Show your passion and make it visible to the world.

Your Individual style of doing things is unique, stick to it!


Change the world or die trying

...unless you have no ambition to do that, please don't read.

It is certain ofcourse that not every one of us can be Steve Jobs, but it is also certain that every one of us can change himself to be a better person. Start here and watch what butterfly effect can do to your environment. The truth is that what can only stop you, is yourself and you know that!

World does not exist when you have your purpose. All you need is belief, patience and perseverance. The idea is just a begining of the journey, but even Jobs had to start from scratch once. 

Good ideas are like viruses and can spread all over the world very very fast, aspecially now when Google, Facebook, Twitter, YoutubeInstagram or Pinterest rules the web. 

You can say it is an art of a genius to come up with a good idea at once. Maybe it is, but there is nothing genius in being just.. better. 

Weather you agree or not, there is one simple fact you can't deny:

doing better initiates change, and each change can be a good idea!


People who talk about their dreams are those who dare to touch them..

That is a truth, even if you think about different kinds of people. 
To have a dream is to have a purpose. When you have a purpose you are able to change your way of thinking, your habits and your priorities in life. That means you basically can change your whole existance. 
Do you ever want it? Just think about it. If you fear empty voices in your head, listen to what they usually say 
„you can’t make it”
„you’re weak” 
„you know shit about it”

But.. WHY? Write down, what those voices say and ask each one of them, this short question.
You can be sure there is no sensible explanation or answer, because FEAR IS WEAK.

If you want it you just have to start!